Do you want to know what the Ev3 classroom kit contains? Does the Ev3 classroom kit baffle you about how to utilize it? Or do you want your students to be aware of the whole kit?
Well, this article is going to reveal all the elements and accessories that the Ev3 classroom kit contains.
Wait! Here you will be not only informed about its programming instructions but also guided on how you can use the kit. So, sticking with this article will bring you demanding changes. Let’s reveal everything!

Ev3 robots are fun for kids to use and build. One can’t build this robot and its different shapes without a perfect kit.
These robots ask for proper maintenance of their core set. (45544) Lego Mindstorms Ev3 Core Set is a fully packed set for the LEGO MINDSTORMS.
This set contains all the required elements and robotic accessories that will turn into different types of robots.
User Guide
Along with this, this set has also a User Guide that completely guides the user about its programming.
To program and code perfectly, there is software that interactively controls robotic behaviors and sensors.
The software teaches you robotic programming in both 2D and 3D animated environments. Students are asked to drag and drop different function-icons in a proper line to set and execute the commands. This dragging of icons is basic programming that later becomes advanced i.e. making several line sensors simultaneously and analyzing how the robot works.
It is important to have a glance at each tool present in the kit. So, let’s enter the world of this core set!

Lego Mindstorms is built with 600 elements and contains intelligent programmable Ev3 brick, color lines, different sensors including touch one, and other several tools.
Specifications of kit tools:

A.- Intelligent Programmable Brick:
It controls whole robotic coding and makes robotic sounds. Ev3 is fully built based on both Classroom software and this programmable brick. Lego Mindstorms Intelligent Brick has the following easy-to-understand features; it has
- SD memory slot to expand RAMAndroid and iOS compatibility
- Mini-USB Port for connecting the brick to a computer
- Output Ports to connect motors to the intelligent Brick
- Bluetooth system to connect via a wireless system
- Four buttons to control directions
- A matrix-shaped display screen on the front top
- 64 MB RAM
- Speaker
- USB Host Port to connect to Wi-Fi.
- Speaker from where all the sounds come. This speaker makes all kinds of sounds that you hear from the robot
Brick Parts:
- Large Motor: It allows you to program small to advance robotic actions
- Medium Motor: It fits power in the robot for its size and quick response. This motor persuades the device on giving quick responses.
- Ultrasonic Sensor: This tool, through its powerful sound waves, recognizes the distance between its sensor and any object on its way. Lego Mindstorm, using this sensor, catches external object movements and makes a sound to inform.
- Touch sensor: This sensor recognizes bumped, released, and touched conditions.
- Gyro sensor This tool gives you data on how fast and far your robot is moving in a particular direction. Gyro sensor gives you either chart analyses or simple ones to show you robotic speed and the distance is made.
- Color Sensor This sensor catches and analyses seven different colors. It also measures light intensity,
The above-described parts are the main tools attached to the brick. These are the very parts that control the whole Lego Mindstorm.
B) Ev3 Balls (Joints)
You need additional balls for making your robots roll decently and without any interruption. The pack also contains a robotic Balls Pack which has the extra balls to add joints to the robots. These balls help the robot in moving its joints i.e. arms, neck, hands, legs, etc.
C) Ev3 Expansion Set
Besides the above packs, Lego Mindstorms Set also contains an Expansion Pack. This set has extra LEGO pieces and elements which make robots more interesting. Students, through this set, can develop more exciting robots and can also accomplish complex challenges. This Expansion Set has 800 additional parts – gears, customized elements, and several others.
D) Robotic Beams
Beams Pack is also included in the Core Set. These beams enhance the steering slider’s power to make the robot turn to any particular side or direction. The beams boost up system analyses to make 90 and -90 degree turns, left and right turns, and random turns.
The Core Set has all accessories required to make an effective innovation. In short, this kit has the following elements and robotic accessories:
- An Intelligent Brick: It contains three motors mentioned above i.e. 2 large ones and 1 middle one.
- Lights Sensors
- Color-measuring sensor
- Ultrasonic sensor
- Cables for connecting in the robots to start
- A gyro sensor
- A rechargeable battery
- Additional beams pack
- User Guide to make an amazing robot
- Gears
- Customization elements
On Average, the kit contains more tools than the above described once. However, there is a rechargeable battery but no charger. It means you have to purchase your own charger that best fits this robot battery. Interestingly, this perfect programming will make the robot able to adopt behavior from basic to complex. Even, the system will navigate an entire maze which is a highly complex behavior of robots.
Final Thoughts:
In the final analysis, it is safe to say that the Ev3 classroom kit is a way towards the best robot-making era. Students like to have this kit at home because it helps them build a robot easily.
Moreover, the ev3 kit is divided into two parts – one is programmable brick and another includes all other accessories.
The brick programs whole Ev3 through the classroom software on Android and iOS. Other packs have extra robotic attachments to shape different robots.
Primary kids can have access to its intricate coding if they are taught well. What makes this kit perfect are the numerous sensors, buttons, and LED light systems to work on.
The above core set is quite easy to use. Making impressive robots will have a great influence on kids’ digital, robotic, and STEM learning.
These robots are the first steps to enter the robotic world. What then? Just proper implementation! Yes, go through this Ev3 classroom kit and teach your kids how they can utilize it to make sublime inventions – The way towards creativity.