Botley Accessories

What are Botley accessories, and how to use them? Which accessories to use for my child? Still confused! No worries, here is the complete guide on how and which Botley accessories to use.

Botley accesories
Botley accessories


Let’s have a glance at the conversation of Kyle, a STEM educationalist, and his friend John about Botley 2.0 accessories.

John: Hey, Kyle! What’s up!

Kyle: Oh, Hi John! How have you come here?

John: Kyle, I bought the Botley 2.0 robot for my child a few days ago. Now, I am searching for which accessories to use for my child. Could you please suggest anyone as a STEM educationalist?

Kyle: Oh, yes! I have recently bought 2 Botley accessory sets. One is Crashin Construction, and another is, hmmm, ‘Action Challenge.’

John: Wow! Can we check out how to use them if you are free now?

Kyle: Sure, I was thinking the same. Come on!

How did they use those two accessories? But, first, let’s see what was there to learn.

Botley 2.0 robot and its accessories:

Botley 2.0 is a coding robot that helps primary kids learn basic coding and programming. It has turned out to be quite beneficial for children to enhance their creativity and logical thinking. But, quite frankly, using only the Botley robot won’t develop creativity or problem-solving skills quickly! What will then? The Botley accessories are here to help you out. Your child can solve simple coding challenges through Botley 2.0, but its accessories will boost your child’s skills even more.

There are two Botley 2.0 accessory sets, i.e., Action Challenge and Crashin Construction.

Action Challenge in Botley Accessories:

This Action Challenge Accessory set includes;

  • Rotating Gate: It is to drop the dominos in front of it or behind it – just like the Push-One-to-Drop-All game.
  • Cup: The cup is to catch the ball thrown by swinging hammer.
  • Ramp: The Swinging hammer is fixed in between this ramp. It helps the swinging hammer to slide from upside to the bottom side.
  • 2 Balls:
  • Swinging Hammer
  • 30 Small Dominos: These dominos are the core of the accessory set. They are used to make the activities more exciting.
  • Large Dominos: Large dominos are designed to drop the somewhat high balls on the sliding.
  • Medium Dominos:
  • Detachable arms: These arms are different from the usual arms of the Botley. They are designed to hit the balls, swing hammers, etc.

How to categorize the Botley for an action challenge?

Step 01: If your Botley is wearing the old arms, remove them and attach new arms. These new arms are specially designed to kick the balls, lift the boxes and push the swinging hammer.

Step 02: Fix the rotating gate into the seat-like pole. Fix it so that the gate can easily be rotated if it is touched.

Step 03: Now, almost everything is settled. And there are various activities to work on. These activities include simple challenges and advances, too. You can try them at home.

Some of the activities are Botley Bowling, Code and Catch, Heart Change, Knockout, Winding Waves, etc. Let’s have a try at one activity.

Activity: Catch the ball:

Follow the steps below to work on this fun activity

  • Set the swinging hammer properly, as shown in fig 01
  • Put the ball under the swinging hammer and place it in the mid-distance of Botley and box.
  • Place the box, and its open-mouth should be directed to the swinging hammer
  • Code and then hit the swinging hammer coin-side with the help of plow arm.

Wow! The ball is going into the box! It was a simple trial, but you can try more.

Crashin Challenge Accessory Set:

The second accessory set helps children construct and knockdown various blocks.

 Crashin Accessory Set includes

  • 1 Snap-on crane attachment with hook
  • 1 Snap-on face mask
  • 2 Plow arms
  • 1 Wrecking ball
  • 3 Construction blocks
  • 1 Construction sign

Steps to fully set the Botley for Crashin Challenge:

  • Attach the face mask to Botley and fix the plow arms into the face mask attached
  • Set the crane skeleton on the back of Botley. And attach another part of the adjustable crane with crane skeleton
  • Now, your Botley crane is ready!

Do you want to try a few activities with this accessory set? Yes! So, let’s try some of the simple activities.

Activity 01: Hitting the Blocks

  • After turning the Botley into a crane-like toy, fix the wrecking ball into the hook.
  • Now, place two blocks vertically, i.e., one above another.
  • Program the code so that the crane wrecking ball knocks down both blocks.

Activity 02: Drag the Block

  • Detach the wrecking ball from the hook and attack the block with it.
  • Then, place the construction sign a little bit far from the Botley.
  • Now, drag the block to the end of the construction sign.

Wow! You have now done with simple activities. Do you want to have a try of a little bit difficult? Well, here it is.

Activity 03: Move the Blocks

  • Place the two blocks at a somewhat long-distance, i.e., in any shape like square ground, rectangle, etc.
  • Attach the plow arms with the face mask of the Botley robot. And place construction sign.
  • Now, place the robot at a distance. In the last, drag one block and then another with the help of plow arms to the construction sign.

Note: The first block must be in the plow arms and then move to another.

The Learning Outcomes:

With the help of these accessories, a primary kid understands STEM knowledge better and interestingly. The basic learning outcomes from these accessories are;

  • Analytical and Critical thinking:

The Botley 2.0 accessories attempt to insist the kids think which steps should be taken to solve a particular challenge. This results in analytical and critical thinking, enabling children to generate new ideas.

  • Teamwork Skills:

It is not the work of individuals to work on Botley accessories. Instead, kids can make teams to solve difficult coding challenges. The team collaboration will enhance their communication skills, teamwork skills, etc.

  • Coding and Programming:

The topmost benefit of using Botley accessories is basic coding and programming expertise. With basic programming, they understand how they can design Botley’s behavior to act accordingly, like police cars, ghosts, trains, and so forth.

Final Thoughts:

 Finally, it is time to make the most of these Botley accessories to enhance your child’s abilities.

The Botley robot is fun for kids. But it also analyses their creativity and problem-solving skills. Each Botley 2.0 accessory plays a vital role in making kids understand the basic concepts of construction, actions, and management.

What have you thought about your child?

Do you want your child to have all those qualities and skills that Botley develops?

If yes, why do you think more! Just have a test of it and let your kid build his future himself.

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