Category: Teach computing Primary School
Scratch programming examples
Are you ready to embark on an exciting coding adventure? Let’s explore Scratch. Scratch offers a user-friendly programming platform designed to introduce you to the world of coding! In this article, you will find Scratch programming examples that showcase the creative possibilities of programming. Learning programming through Scratch is accessible and enjoyable, and it can…
Music on Scratch
Scratch, a block programming platform beloved by kids and educators, is not just about coding games and animations. It also provides a creative avenue for young learners to explore the world of music. In this article, we’ll dive into three exciting aspects of music on Scratch: Let’s embark on a melodic journey through coding and…
How to Create a Detailed Flappy Bird Game in Scratch
Flappy Bird is a classic and addictive 2D arcade game that gained immense popularity. This tutorial will walk you through creating a detailed Flappy Bird game using Scratch, a beginner-friendly visual programming platform. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a fully functioning Flappy Bird game you can play and share with others. Step…
Pong Game
We invite all future game designers, programmers, and those who want to play something new on the screens. Today, there is no need to write code or learn complex tools. We will be using a special program – Scratch. With it, you can create animations and games on your own without knowing any programming languages.…
Shooting in space
ou may have played shooters before, but have you ever attempted to create one? Shooting may be simple, but programming it is more challenging. In this section, you will develop a game that lets the player shoot apples in space as a ginger cat. You will discover how to move the cat using the keyboard…
Coding toy
Learning while playing is a beautiful way to acquire knowledge for everyone. But it is even more true for our little ones regardless of age. When you play, you free yourself from the stress that hinders learning through other methods. That’s why manufacturers have invested in coding toy construction. Coding toys allow us to learn…
Why teach programming?
There are many exciting outcomes children can achieve when programming. That’s why teaching programming is so beneficial for kids. Programming enables children to create wonderful things and helps them acquire various skills that students can learn through thinking, analyzing problems, and designing solutions. Teaching programming in schools makes children aware of how computers work. It…
Which language is suitable for which age?
We can find multiple recommendations for each age-ranges depending on multiples factors. As a result, we have read about different opinions and sometimes get confused about where to start and conclude with the same question: Which programming language is suitable for which age? I don’t think the opinion I will express is the only one,…
What is programming?
Coding is the new literacy! Many tools (apps, platforms, language programming, robots, toys, cards) are dedicated to teaching programming to the youngest. They are easy to use and provide a lot of knowledge. We can mention ScratchJr, Scratch, Logo, crumble, BeeBOT, Edison the robots, etc. There are much more. Coding is an essential part of…